2. Solution
  3. EPM / BI / Data Management
  4. B-EN-G mcframe COCKPIT

EPM / BI / Data Management

Enterprise Performance Management/Business Intelligence

EPM / BI / Data Management

B-EN-G mcframe COCKPIT


mcframe COCKPIT visualizes mcframe data to support decision making from management to the shop floor. mcframe COCKPIT provides scenarios for utilizing mcframe cost and SCM information from the beginning, and together with the utilization scenarios, you can immediately improve cost management, inventory control, and other operations.
mcframe COCKPIT is recommended for mcframe users who want to visualize cost, inventory, and SCM information immediately.

Main functional classification (*Only typical basic functions are shown)

B-EN-G mcframe COCKPIT


  • Cloud(IaaS)
  • On-premise(Physical Server)
What B-EN-G mcframe COCKPIT can do
  • Collect mcframe data and visualize data according to utilization scenarios
  • Combine CRM data, IoT data, etc. with mcframe data for aggregation/visualization
Strengths of Tecnos
  • Optimal operational design is possible because of our thorough knowledge of mcframe
  • Understand your operations and propose the best visualization for your practice
  • Proposals and support for a wider range of linkages, such as IoT linkages, are also possible

Ideal for these companies

  • Companies that are currently using mcframe and want to immediately visualize the cost/inventory/SCM environment
  • Companies that want information that can be used for immediate improvement in the field
  • Companies that want to visualize and utilize data for the entire engineering process, including IoT data

Application Provider Introduction

Business Engineering Corporation (B-EN-G)

mcframe is a SCM/ERP solution that has grown with our customers, mainly in the domestic manufacturing industry, as a core system supporting production management and cost management activities in the manufacturing industry since its birth in 1996.
Since 2005, Tecnos Japan has concluded a partner agreement with Business Engineering, the developer of mcframe, and has supported the implementation of mcframe to many customers.

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